
An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 8.6 - Swami Krishnananda.

=================================================================================== Friday 13, September 2024, 05:30.  Chapter - 8: Upasana – Upanishadic Meditations-6. ================================================================================== Samipya means nearness to God; you are living just by the side of the Ruler of the country; you will feel some elation – the King's Palace is just here and I am here. Though you have nothing to do with that Palace, you will gain nothing by the nearness, but the mind will say 'I am so near the Palace of the King; He is here only!' Thus, nearness to God also is a stage in liberation. This is samipya, closeness. Still greater freedom is sarupya, assuming the same form of God; you become an ambassador of God. God has given you the powers which He wields. The ambassador has practically all the powers of the kingdom which he represents; he can speak for the whole country of which he is the ambassador. The Vaishnava scriptures say sa

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 8.5 - Swami Krishnananda.

=========== ================================================================================= Sunday 21, Jul 2024. 05:30.  Chapter - 8: Upasana – Upanishadic Meditations-5. =================================================================================== There are essentially two types of meditation – one is Saguna and the other is Nirguna. Meditating on God Almighty as a Supreme Person is Saguna Upasana; 'Father in Heaven', Narayana, Vishnu, Rama, Devi,  – whatever be the name you give to God – this is the name of a personality which is Cosmic in its nature. The Cosmic expansion of the human concept of personality is the concept of God also, usually. If you meditate on this concept of God, you will achieve That. But the Infinite Personality is not sitting just here; there is a distance involved in It. So it takes time for you to reach the Personal God. Even when you consider God as a Person Infinite in nature and most powerful, you still stand outside It in your meditation.

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 8.5 - Swami Krishnananda.

  Chinmaya Mission : Made the last week of the year count and ring in the new year at the Vision Centre of Chinmaya Mission - Chinmaya Vibhooti, Kolwan.  The year end family retreat by Swami Swaroopananda for all age groups, based on Gopika Geet from Shrimad Bhagavatam was rejuvenating and overflowing with joy to be together with members from all over the world.  Kids and teenagers had their own exclusive sessions and there were many interesting activities and events including 17th year celebrations of Chinmaya Maruti Mandir, talks and discourses by Swami Swaroopananda and several spiritual teachers of Chinmaya Mission. ================================================================================== Sunday 02, June 2024. 05:30.  Chapter - 8: Upasana – Upanishadic Meditations-5. ================================================================================== Anyonyam tat prabodhanam – awakening each one by mutual conversation. Sometimes people go for a walk – some three, four, five