
Showing posts from 2019

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -1.1 Swami Krishnananda

======================================================================== ======================================================================== 28/12/2019. Chapter 1: The Forest of the Brahma Sutra -1. ======================================================================== The greatest truths available for human comprehension are supposed to be documented in the great scriptures called the Upanishads. They are exultations of masters who are deeply involved in the ultimate principles of the cosmos. They are realised souls, called Rishis, but these Rishis in their expressions through the Upanishads spoke in terms of their particular vision of the Ultimate Reality. A common student of the Upanishads is likely to feel embarrassed over apparently irreconcilable differences and contradictions among the statements of these great Masters. Every kind of philosophy you will find in the Upanishads. There are provisions for establishing the monism aspect of philosophy, the dualistic...

Brahma Sutras - 12. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================= ======================================================================= 25/11/2019. Brahma Sutras - 12. Swami Sivananda CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA Section 1 : (Sutras 1-31) Section 1: Sastrayonitvadhikaranam : Topic 3 (Sutra 3) Brahman is realisable only through the scriptures. Sastrayonitvat I.1.3 (3) ----------------------------- The scripture being the source of right knowledge. ================================= Sastra: the scripture; Yonitvat: being the source of or the means of the right knowledge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST-12. ====================================================================== The Omniscience of Brahman follows from His being the source of scripture. The aphorism clearly points out that the Srutis alone are proof about Brahman. As Brahman is the cause of the world we ...


======================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21/10/2019. CHAPTER - I : SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA SECTION -1 Sastrayonitvadhikaranam: Topic - 3 : Brahman is realisable only through the scriptures Sastrayonitvat -  I.1.3 (3) The scripture being the source of right knowledge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sastram : the scripture; Yonitvat: being the source of or the means of the right knowledge. The Omniscience of Brahman follows from His being the source of scripture. The aphorism clearly points out that the Srutis alone are proof about Brahman. As Brahman is the cause of the world we have to infer that Brahman or the Absolute is Omniscient. As the scripture alone is the means of right knowledge with reference to Brahman the propositi...

BRAHMA SUTRAS : CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA : Section 1: Janmadyadhikaranam: Topic 2 (Sutra 2) -POST-2- SWAMI SIVANANDA

======================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16/09/2019. CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA Contents  Contents of Samanvaya Adhyaya Section 1 (Sutras 1-31) Janmadyadhikaranam: Topic 2 (Sutra 2) POST-2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The definition of Brahman. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janmadyasya yatah I.1.2 (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The second Sutra does not propound here that inference serves as the means of knowing Brahman. It points to a Vedantic text which gives a description of the characteristics of Brahman. What then, is that Vedanta text? I...

BRAHMA SUTRAS : CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA : Section 1: Janmadyadhikaranam: Topic 2 (Sutra 2) - 1. SWAMI SIVANANDA.

01/08/2019. CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA Contents  Contents of Samanvaya Adhyaya Section 1 (Sutras 1-31) Janmadyadhikaranam: Topic 2 (Sutra 2)-1. --------------------------------------------------- The definition of Brahman. -------------------------------------- Janmadyasya yatah I.1.2 (2) (Brahman is that) from which the origin etc., (i.e. the origin, sustenance and dissolution) of this (world proceed). Janmadi: origin etc.; Asya: of this (world); Yatah: from which. Answer to the enquiry of Brahman is briefly given in this Sutra. It is stated that Brahman who is eternally pure, wise and free (Nitya, Buddha, Mukta Svabhava) is the only cause, stay and final resort of this world. Brahman who is the originator, preserver and absorber of this vast world must have unlimited powers and characteristics. Hence He is Omnipotent and Omniscient. Who but the Omnipotent and Omniscient Brahman could create, rule and destroy it? Certainly mere atoms or chance cannot do th...

BRAHMA SUTRAS : CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA : Section 1: Jijnasadhikaranam: Topic 1 (Sutra 1) - SWAMI SIVANANDA

14/06/2019 CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA Contents  Contents of Samanvaya Adhyaya Section 1 (Sutras 1-31) Section 1: Jijnasadhikaranam: Topic 1 (Sutra 1) The enquiry into Brahman and its pre-requisites. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Athato Brahmajijnasa I.1.1 (1) Now, therefore, the enquiry into Brahman. Atha: now, then, afterwards; Atah: therefore; Brahmajijnasa: a desire for the knowledge of Brahman (the enquiry into the real nature of Brahman). Sutra literally means a string. It serves the purpose of stringing together the flowers of the Vedanta passages. The word Atha is not used to introduce a new subject that is going to be taken up. It is here to be taken as denoting immediate consecution. The enquiry of Brahman specially depends upon some antecedent conditions. The enquirer should be endowed with certain spiritual requisites or qualifications. Then only the enquiry...

Brahma Sutras : CHAPTER ONE : SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA- Section 1: Introduction-2. : Swami Sivananda

20/05/2019 CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA - Section 1 (Sutras 1-31) Section 1: Introduction-2 1.Synopsis This section gives a bird's-eye view of the subject dealt with in the Brahma Sutras namely the nature of the Supreme Brahman or the Highest Self, of the individual soul and the universe and their inter-relations and gives hints on meditation on Brahman. Adhikarana I: Sutra 1 gives a hint that the book is meant for those who are endowed with a real desire for attaining the knowledge of Brahman. Adhikarana II: Sutra 2 defines Brahman as that whence the world originates etc. Adhikarana III: Sutra 3 declares that Brahman is the source of the Vedas and that Brahman is known only by the study of Sruti and by no other means of knowledge. Adhikarana IV: Sutra 4 proves Brahman to be the uniform topic of all Vedanta texts. Adhikarana V: Sutras 5 to 11 show that none but Brahman is admitted by Sruti to be the cause of the world. They prove by various cogent ...

Brahma Sutras : CHAPTER ONE : SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA- Section 1: Introduction-1 : Swami Sivananda

28/03/2019 CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA - Section 1 (Sutras 1-31) Section 1: Introduction-1 The Vedanta Sutras are called "Sariraka Mimamsa" because they deal with Para Brahman, the Sarira (the embodied). In the first chapter the author shows that all the Vedic texts uniformly refer to Brahman and find their Samanvaya (reconciliation) in Him. In the second chapter, it has been proved that there is no conflict between Vedanta and other Sastras. In the third chapter the means of attaining Brahman are described. In the fourth chapter is described the result of attaining Brahman. The Adhikarin (one who is competent to understand and study the Sastra) is one who is of tranquil mind and has the attributes of Sama (quietude), Dama (self-control), etc., is full of faith, is constantly engaged in good thoughts and associates with the knowers of Truth, whose heart is purified by the due discharge of all duties, religious and secular, and without any idea of reward. The ...

Brahma Sutras : 1. INTRODUCTION - 5 : Swami Sivananda

11/02/2019 1. INTRODUCTION - 5. The views of various Acharyas are all true in respect of the particular aspect of Brahman dealt with by them each in his own way. Sankara has taken Brahman in His transcendental aspect, while Sri Ramanuja has taken Him chiefly in His immanent aspect. People were following blindly the rituals during the time of Sri Sankara. When he was preparing his commentary he had in view the purpose of combating the baneful effects which blind ritualism produced. He never condemned selfless service or Nishkama Karma Yoga. He condemned the performance of rituals with selfish motives. Sankara Bhashya is the oldest of all commentaries. It upholds Suddha-Para-Brahman or the Supreme Self of the Upanishads as something superior to other divine beings. It propounds a very bold philosophy and declares emphatically that the individual soul is identical with the Supreme Self. Sankara's philosophical view accurately represents the meaning of Badarayana. His explanat...

Brahma Sutras : 1. INTRODUCTION - 4 : Swami Sivananda

05/01/2019 1. INTRODUCTION - 4. According to Sri Ramanuja, Brahman is with attributes (Savisesha). He is endowed with all auspicious qualities. He is not intelligence itself. Intelligence is his chief attribute. He contains within Himself whatever exists. World and individual souls are essential real constituents of Brahman's nature. Matter (Achit) and soul (Chit) form the body of the Lord, Lord Narayana who is the Inner Ruler (Antaryamin). Matter and souls are called modes of Him (Prakara). The individual souls will never be entirely resolved in Brahman. According to Ramanuja, Brahman is not absolutely one and homogeneous. The individual souls undergo a state of Sankocha (contraction) during Pralaya. They expand (Vikasa) during creation. Sri Ramanuja's Brahman is a Personal God with attributes. The individual soul of Ramanuja is really individual. It will remain a personality for ever. The soul remains in Vaikuntha for ever in a state of bliss and enjoys the div...