
Showing posts from March, 2019

Brahma Sutras : CHAPTER ONE : SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA- Section 1: Introduction-1 : Swami Sivananda

28/03/2019 CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA - Section 1 (Sutras 1-31) Section 1: Introduction-1 The Vedanta Sutras are called "Sariraka Mimamsa" because they deal with Para Brahman, the Sarira (the embodied). In the first chapter the author shows that all the Vedic texts uniformly refer to Brahman and find their Samanvaya (reconciliation) in Him. In the second chapter, it has been proved that there is no conflict between Vedanta and other Sastras. In the third chapter the means of attaining Brahman are described. In the fourth chapter is described the result of attaining Brahman. The Adhikarin (one who is competent to understand and study the Sastra) is one who is of tranquil mind and has the attributes of Sama (quietude), Dama (self-control), etc., is full of faith, is constantly engaged in good thoughts and associates with the knowers of Truth, whose heart is purified by the due discharge of all duties, religious and secular, and without any idea of reward. The ...