BRAHMA SUTRAS : CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA : Section 1: Jijnasadhikaranam: Topic 1 (Sutra 1) - SWAMI SIVANANDA
14/06/2019 CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA Contents Contents of Samanvaya Adhyaya Section 1 (Sutras 1-31) Section 1: Jijnasadhikaranam: Topic 1 (Sutra 1) The enquiry into Brahman and its pre-requisites. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Athato Brahmajijnasa I.1.1 (1) Now, therefore, the enquiry into Brahman. Atha: now, then, afterwards; Atah: therefore; Brahmajijnasa: a desire for the knowledge of Brahman (the enquiry into the real nature of Brahman). Sutra literally means a string. It serves the purpose of stringing together the flowers of the Vedanta passages. The word Atha is not used to introduce a new subject that is going to be taken up. It is here to be taken as denoting immediate consecution. The enquiry of Brahman specially depends upon some antecedent conditions. The enquirer should be endowed with certain spiritual requisites or qualifications. Then only the enquiry...