
Showing posts from November, 2019

Brahma Sutras - 12. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================= ======================================================================= 25/11/2019. Brahma Sutras - 12. Swami Sivananda CHAPTER ONE: SAMANVAYA ADHYAYA Section 1 : (Sutras 1-31) Section 1: Sastrayonitvadhikaranam : Topic 3 (Sutra 3) Brahman is realisable only through the scriptures. Sastrayonitvat I.1.3 (3) ----------------------------- The scripture being the source of right knowledge. ================================= Sastra: the scripture; Yonitvat: being the source of or the means of the right knowledge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST-12. ====================================================================== The Omniscience of Brahman follows from His being the source of scripture. The aphorism clearly points out that the Srutis alone are proof about Brahman. As Brahman is the cause of the world we ...