An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 2.2. - Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------------------ Friday, November 13, 2020. 07 : 12. AM. Chapter-2. The Critique of Erroneous Doctrines - 2. ---------------------------------- Iha amutra vishaya tyaga is necessary. If you have no desire for anything outside; you have accepted that there is nothing outside Brahman and you are therefore wanting to know Brahman. You should not be dishonest to your own self, by saying 'I want something else', 'I have got a desire for something else'. When Brahman is the Only existent thing, how would you allow the mind to long for another thing? This is an erroneous attitude of the so-called seeker of Brahman. Already a warning is given. Unless the longings for the pleasures of this world as well as the other world are abolished and obliterated completely, one cannot become fit for the knowledge of Brahman. ------------------------------ What are the joys of this world? So many sense-enjoyments; beautiful things to see, beautiful things to hear...