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An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 6.1.- Swami Krishnananda.

======================================================================== ========================================================================= Wednesday, November 07, 2022. 06:00.  Chapter 6: The Controversy Over Action and Knowledge-1. ======================================================================= The Brahma Sutra throws light on the bondage of the soul and its passage through various stages of spiritual development – one passage leading to enjoyments in heavenly region and then subjecting oneself to rebirth; another way of ascent through the solar orb by the passage of the rays of the sun, which is a blessing that is accorded to highly purified souls, who are shining inside in their purity, desirelessness and ardent love for God; such persons are chosen to travel through the rays of the sun and gradually reach Brahma Loka, leading further to salvation. What are the means to moksha? What are we supposed to do for that? The age-old royal paths to spiritual freedom have...

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 5.3.- Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================== ========================================================================= Thursday, November 10, 2022. 06:30.  Chapter 5: Towards Liberation :3. ========================================================================= God can be meditated upon as the Greatest of Powers and the Greatest of Beauties. Truth, beauty and goodness are considered as the highest characteristics of God. Truth means not truth-speaking merely; It is an eternally existing Principle. A thing that passes away sometimes cannot be regarded as Truth; that is relative truth. The Goodness of God, the Power of God and the Beauty of God – it is difficult to conceive these together! How could you imagine the extremely powerful God being compassionate, good and loving also? This is why we cannot conceive God fully. But when we try to conceive God in our meditations, we segregate these qualities. All of these things do not come to the mind sim...

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 5.2.- Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================== ========================================================================= Monday, October 31, 2022. 07:00.  Chapter 5: Towards Liberation :2. ========================================================================= Saguna Brahma Upasana and Nirguna Brahma Upasana are two types of meditation. In the third chapter of the Brahma Sutra, the various types of Upanishadic meditations are described. It is a subject by itself. The worship of God can take various shapes. It may be an individualised, particularised god located in one place or it may be a devotion to multiple gods like Vishva-Devas or it may be devotion to One, Creative Power, whatever be the name that we give to It. We cannot imagine what the Creator could be. Saguna Upasana also is not an easy thing, because it is concentration on the Creator Himself. Who can think of the Creator? You cannot think even the world in its entirety; it is so big and ...

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 5.1.- Swami Krishnananda.

 ===================================================================== ======================================================================= Friday, August 12, 2022. 07:00.  Chapter 5: Towards Liberation :1. ====================================================================== What is birth? All the elements joining together to produce a form. But suppose a person has done immense charitable deeds – the good exceeds the bad – seventy-five percent are immensely good and twenty-five percent are not good, such people will go to the moon after passing and enjoy the nectar of the gods, pitris (forefathers). When the momentum of the good deeds gets exhausted, there will be a coming back from the moon, to rebirth into this world. There is another interesting feature mentioned in the Chhandogya Upanishad. What happens to the bad deeds which are twenty-five percent? The seventy-five percent has taken the soul to the Chandraloka and it enjoyed blissful experience there and after the ...

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 4.4.- Swami Krishnananda.

 ====================================================================== ======================================================================== Wednesday, June 22, 2022. 06:00.  Chapter - 4. The Origin of Bondage  -4. ======================================================================= The agony that is felt depends upon the intensity of the desire that is entertained through the personality during lifetime. Those who have been doing prayer, worship, meditation etc., throughout their lives and leading a holy life of goodness, compassion and servicefulness will not feel the agony of death as many others may feel. Those who are utterly corrupt, those who have swindled, smuggled, destroyed other peoples' peace and worked like dacoits and done the worst of things in the world will feel a terrible stroke on their head when they die. Why should you feel like that? If you lead a really religious life of prayer, meditation, service, goodness and compassion and love of God pri...

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 4.3.- Swami Krishnananda.

 ============================================================== ================================================================ Wednesday, June 08, 2022. 06:00.  Chapter - 4. The Origin of Bondage  -3. =============================================================== You have lost the Infinite and therefore now you want an infinite desire to fulfil itself through contact with numberless finite objects. This is a brief story of birth and death, an endless chain of metempsychosis – samsara. Numberless finites do not make the Infinite. When death takes place, what is actually the experience? The Panchagni Vidya is very interesting. The body becomes weak; the house says 'I am going to collapse!'; the bricks are weak, plastering is falling down; there is leaking on the top – everything will be gone completely. 'I am sneezing', 'I have got joint-pain', 'Oh' – it will go on crying. These are the symptoms of the coming of a time when the body is to be shed. What ...

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 4.2.-Swami Krishnananda.

 =============================================================== ============================================================== Sunday, April 17, 2022. 06:00.  Chapter - 4. The Origin of Bondage  -2. =============================================================== The 'shot-off' sparks asserted individuality of their own, something like each appointed official in a centralised government assuming independence. This is called seceding. A district collector may say 'the whole district is mine only. Don't talk to me!' and so on. A patwari may say 'this village is mine'. Though they are all sparks of a central operation called the government, they can attempt to secede by an arrogance developed in themselves and wind themselves up on a cocoon of involvement in a little area of functioning – it may even be a little mohulla – you may say 'I am the lord of this mohulla'. In a similar manner, tragedy has befallen the individual soul. Desire is the nature of t...

An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 4.1.-Swami Krishnananda.

 =============================================================== ============================================================== Saturday, March 05, 2022. 06:00.  Chapter - 4. The Origin of Bondage  -1. ================================================================ The Brahma Sutra is a Moksha Sastra, dealing with the subject of the salvation of the soul. How did you get into bondage and how will you retrace your steps to the original liberated condition – that is the main subject of this wonderful scripture, the Brahma Sutra. How do you get into bondage? This subject is dealt with in the Chhandogya Upanishad and the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad under the chapter called the Panchagni Vidya. When a child is born, it enters into bondage. Also, how does the child get into the womb of the mother? How does it become necessary for the child to enter the womb of the mother?  How does it know who is the suitable parent? There is an endless number of parents in the world. Why doe...