An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 6.2.- Swami Krishnananda.
Chinmaya Mission : Makar Sankranti Gayatri Havan was held in Chinmaya Sadhana Ashram in Vadodara. It was organised by global members from the UK, Kenya and Pune. They got the chance to perform Samishti Gayatri Havan. It was a wonderful day to receive blessings of Lord Suryanarayana. ========================================================================= Monday, January 23, 2023. 06:00. Chapter 6: The Controversy Over Action and Knowledge-2. ========================================================================= The perceiving and cognising consciousness is adhyatma and the object that is perceived is adhibhuta – the world. How does perception take place? It is effected by the action of an intermediary principle which is the transcendent consciousness known as adhidaiva. This adhidaiva is what you call 'god' and there are endless gods as there can be endless varieties of the relationship between a subject and an object. People sometimes ask 'Why are there so many gods?...