An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 8.7 - Swami Krishnananda.
=================================================================================== Saturday 26, Octberber 2024, 05:30. Chapter - 8: Upasana – Upanishadic Meditations-7. Swami Krishnananda. =================================================================================== People who adore God in this manner will attain the Kingdom of God but will not become God. In this connection, the Brahma Sutra says they have all the glory of God to enjoy but they do not have the powers of God; they cannot create the world; they cannot sustain the world; they cannot destroy the world. You can live in the palace of the President and enjoy all the goodies there in the President's palace, but you cannot do what the President does. You may be the brother of the President himself living in his palace, but you are not the President. Enjoying the glories of God is different from being God. This is the result of Saguna Bhakti, where according to the Brahma Sutra – jagat vyaparavarjam – all things are...