An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -1.2 Swami Krishnananda


Chapter 1: The Forest of the Brahma Sutra -2.

Jnanamay frighten away anyone even while approaching it. It can throw you out. You cannot go near It, as it will happen if you go near a powerful magnetic field. It will kick you back; you cannot go near. It is considering this aspect of the nature of Jnana, that Bhagavan Sri Krishna mentions in the Gita – 'this is a difficult path'.

(Bhagavad Gita XII.5)

"Klesodhikataras tesham avyakta saktachetasam,
Avyakta hi gatirdukham dehavadbhiravapyate."

Body-consciousness is the obstacle to understanding what all this means. Body-consciousness is just individual consciousness, affirmation of this particular individuality, the 'me'. It contradicts that which is inclusive and is complete and is itself, as it were. Brahman is also called bhuma, the All-comprehensive Absolute, Plenum, including everything. Those who are located in one body only – ego – are far from this Fullness.

Again the fear strikes us :

Including everything? Including me also?

'Oh! This is not for me, this is not for me!' Everyone will say 'this is not for me', 'I will not go near It!'. Brahma-Sutrakara Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa knows all these problems, that people will be turned away by the thought, the very thought of the question regarding Brahman.

The Upanishads define Brahman. Let us see again what kind of thing It is.

What kind of thing is Brahman?

Satyam, jnanam, anantam. This is what the Taittiriya declares regarding Brahman.

"Satyam jnanamanantam brahma.
Yo veda nihitam guhayam parame vyoman.
Soshnute sarvan kaman saha brahmana vipashchiteti."

One sentence, this particular declaration in the beginning of the Second Chapter of the Taittiriya Upanishad can make you so happy, thrill you to the brim, if only you could sense what depth of meaning this sentence contains. The moment you know Brahman, the whole Universe of Bliss enters into you and simultaneously you enjoy the whole universe; saha brahmana vipashchita.
To be continued ....



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