An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -1.3 Swami Krishnananda


Chapter 1: The Forest of the Brahma Sutra -3.

#You can enjoy so many things in this world. You can eat, you can go on a tour, you can read books, you can go to a drama or a cinema, you can dance – there are so many varieties of enjoyment; but when one enjoyment is taking place, another cannot come. 

##They are all different things. So, successively we are enjoying different things in the world, but not all things at one stroke. 

###Here is the difference.


#The joys of all kinds of pleasurable encounters, whatever the number of these be, innumerable, infinite ways of the enjoyment of things in the world – when they all get clubbed together into a melting pot of a single instantaneous expression of Oceanic Bliss – that will be your experience when you experience Brahman, perhaps.

#You shudder even to think that such a Bliss is possible. Even the thought of such an unthinkable Bliss can cause terror and tremor in our body. We can be in a state of terror and tremor by seeing fearful things, but here we can have terror even by imagining the superb Absolute – Brahman, wherein Bliss is a simultaneous completeness.

All disturbing and distracting notions in the mind have to be obviated first before we try to plunge into the nature of Brahman that is to be known.

To be continued ...



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