An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -1.4 Swami Krishnananda


Thursday, May 14, 2020.
Chapter 1: The Forest of the Brahma Sutra -4.

#The Brahma Sutra makes a statement 'Brahman is to be known'.

##Commentators write pages after pages in explaining the meaning of one Sutra only, athato brahma jijnasa. Volumes have been written, commentaries have been written, and commentaries on commentaries, and a third commentary on the second and the first!

###Sankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharya, Vallabhacharya, Nimbarkacharya, all wrote great commentaries on the Brahma Sutras.


#Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya's commentary was commented on by Vachaspati Mishra in his exposition called bhamati. One of the disciples of Sankara, Padmapada, wrote another commentary. Another disciple of Sankara, Sureshwaracharya, wrote a third commentary, in his own way. They approached this subject from three viewpoints.

##Together they present three angles of vision of Sankara's commentary. Of these Sureshwaracharya treats the entire creation as a cosmic illusion, whose nature cannot be described by a person involved in that illusion. You cannot say Brahman creates the universe because Brahman is eternity, complete, indefinable, infinite, perfect existence par excellence. It has no necessity to create. The appearance of something being created is the result of a peculiar admixture of confusion cosmically called maya, and individually avidya.

#Vachaspati Mishra's position is that your mind which is conditioned by what is known as avidya or ignorance distorts correct perception and the world does not exist as it is; it appears to be existing according to the particular form of avidya or ignorance in which you are involved.

##Padmapadacharya is more realistic in his nature. He has written a commentary on the first four Sutras, called Panchapadika. Generally people follow the trend of Panchapadika only, with its great commentary called vivarana.
To be continued .....



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