An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -1.7. Swami Krishnananda.



Saturday, September 26, 2020. 

Chapter 1: The Forest of the Brahma Sutra -7.


Consciousness cannot be divided into parts, something here, something there. Because even to imagine a sub-division in consciousness, consciousness has to be present in the division itself. So nobody can conceive a division of consciousness. That would be a self-contradiction. Then, in that case, when the infinite consciousness establishes itself in itself, as the crystal would remain pure and shining as it was, the question arises: 'where is the rose at that time'? As consciousness is infinite, it is omniscient, it knows everything, and there is no rose outside it!

If this state of omniscience of consciousness is moksha as the Sankhya says, does that omniscient consciousness know that there is a rose flower outside it? The rose flower is only an example of matter, world, Prakriti. If due to the omniscience of consciousness, Purusha, it has to know everything, then it has to know Prakriti also, and even in emancipation it will come in contact with Prakriti. The bondage will be once again there. Prakriti is eternally existing according to Sankhya, it does not vanish in the liberation of a particular centre of consciousness. What does all this mean, then?

Vyasa, in the Sutras connected with this subject, refutes Sankhya philosophy vehemently and takes special pains to see that nobody gets contaminated by Sankhya dualism.

You should not imagine that Brahma Sutra is as simple as I am explaining! I have sugar-coated it and made it halwa-like. Otherwise, as it is, you will not go near it. It is a very long subject.



Next - Chapter-2. The Critique of Erroneous Doctrines

Atha atah brahma-jijnasa.

Atha is an auspicious word. You should utter atha, 'Om Auspicious!', 'Om Auspicious!', 'Om Auspicious'.

Om Atha, Om Atha, Om Atha – very auspicious words. These words came from the throat of Brahma himself, the Creator. Atha, auspicious; now we discuss something most auspicious. Om Atha, Om Atha, Om Atha.

Atha.: Therefore. What is 'therefore'? '

Therefore' means after having equipped oneself adequately for entering into a discussion on Brahman. The other day, we pointed out the difficulty, who is to know Brahman? If I am to know Brahman or you are to know Brahman or someone is to know Brahman, that someone stands outside Brahman. So, a Brahman known by someone else cannot be a complete Brahman, because Brahman is inclusive. Bhuma is the name of this Brahman, as the Chhandogya Upanishad puts it – the Full.

To be continued ...



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