An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 2.1. - Swami Krishnananda.


Saturday,October 24, 2020. 07 : 12. AM.

Chapter-2. The Critique of Erroneous Doctrines - 1.


Where one does not see anything outside, where one does not hear anything outside, where one does not understand or think anything outside – That Great Being, Plenum of Felicity is Brahma. But if there is someone to see, hear see, hear and understand and imagine that one is going to know Brahman, that Brahman would not be the real Brahman because the point to be remembered always is that Brahman is inclusiveness.


Brhmati iti brahma; Everything is inside It. Even the one aspiring to know It is included in It. So there is no such thing as aspiring to know Brahman! This is the problem of Jnana Marga. Nobody can touch Jnana. It will close all talk and people can go crazy because their mind cannot understand what this terrible thing is; no one can know Brahman and yet It has to be known. These apparently contradictory statements appear before a foolish mind, which is not ready to understand what the Truth is.


There was nobody before creation. Therefore what right has a subsequent created object to try to know Brahman, which is prior to its existence? Yet It can be known. Sankaracharya in his commentary raises some questions. Is Brahman a known thing or an unknown thing? If it is a known thing, why are you worrying about It? If It is an unknown thing, again why are you worrying about It? So It is not a known thing; It is not also a totally unknown thing.


Why is It not an unknown thing? Because It is vigorously asserting Itself through the soul of each person.

Aham asmi iti vijaniyat.

No one says 'I am not'.

Nobody says 'I am not'. This affirmation of 'I am' is actually the affirmation' of Brahman. But isn't the word 'I' a very intriguing thing because so many 'I's are there! This is I, this is I, that is I, this is I – which 'I' are you referring to? It is the supreme 'I' that is speaking as the 'I' of all individual beings.

To be continued ....



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