An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra -3.1.-Swami Krishnananda.


Friday, August 2, 2021. 7:35. AM.
Chapter 3: Erroneous Notions Refuted -1.

Desires pertaining to the objects of the world cannot be fulfilled for the reason that the mind accepts them to be outside. An 'outside' thing cannot become an 'inside' thing. So, all desires are futile in their nature. They are a will-of-the-wisp, a phantasmagoria that you are pursuing. In the vyavaharika satta, in the practical and pragmatic state of existence, the world seems to be on par with you. You can shake hands with it. But you cannot shake hands with Brahman, the Absolute.

The world exists as an empirical, practical, pragmatic reality. Therefore vijnanavada is not correct in saying that the world does not exist at all in any way. It exists in some way, though not in all ways. Vyavaharika satta is the accepted, empirical reality of the world outside with which we come in contact every day in our dealings of the world, and the business of the world goes on.

Therefore, we have to take the doctrine of the existence or non-existence of the world with a pinch of salt, very carefully. We should not go to extremes. Unpurified minds should not go for philosophy.

A Guru told the disciple, 'All is Brahman'. 'Very good, very good', the latter said. He was walking on the road one day. An elephant was coming in front. The mahut said 'Get away, get away, get away!' The student thought, 'Why should I get away? The elephant also is Brahman, and the Guru has said it!' The disciple would not move. The elephant caught hold of the man, and threw him out, which broke his legs. The student ran to the Guru and said, 'Guruji, what have you told me? You said everything is Brahman and I thought that the elephant also is Brahman. It broke my legs.' 'Oh foolish man! Did you not believe that the mahut also is Brahman? He told you not to stand there. You have not understood the thing properly,' he said.

A partial understanding of Reality is no good. The Yoga-Vasishta warns us:

Ardhavyutpannabuddhestu sarvam brahmeti yo vadet; Mahanaraka-jaleshu sa tena viniyojitah.

To be continued ...



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