An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 7.1.- Swami Krishnananda.

Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF)

Blessings from the Naga Gods 🐍

Ayilyam Nakshatra day is very significant for the divine serpent gods, Nagaraja and Nagayakshi. At Chinmaya Swayambhu Ayyappa Temple, a grand pooja is conducted with the entire gamut of sacred rituals to appease all Naga Gods and bring blessings to those suffering from any Naga doshas.

It is believed that those under the Ayilyam Nakshatra should do this pooja at least once every three years to remove obstacles and problems in all aspects of life and invite abundance and prosperity. 

Day for Puja this month: 20 July, 2023

πŸ“Œ: Chinmaya Swayambhu Ayyappa Temple, Ernakulam

To book an Ayilyam Puja online, please send your name and nakshatra to 

πŸ”ΈπŸ“±+91 92077 11136 or ✉️

Option to make an annual offering including Sarpa-bali also available.


Sunday, 16 Jul 2023. 05:30. 

Chapter - 7: Specimens of Vedantic Meditations


Chapter 7: Specimens of Vedantic Meditations

The third chapter of the Brahma Sutra is concerned with meditations. These meditations are different entirely from the usually well-known types of meditation in Bhakti Yoga Marga. What is the difference?

You can consider Lord Krishna as standing in front of you, Rama as pervading around or Krishna as in Brindavan, Rama in Ayodhya, Devi in Manidvipa, Narayana in Vaikuntha. All these ideas are accepted in Bhakti Yoga meditations.

But here is a uniqueness. Brahman is the central point. It is the God of meditation. It is not in Kailasa or Vaikuntha. It is not anywhere. That the object of meditation is not somewhere but is everywhere distinguishes Vedantic meditations from other well-known meditations.

So, according to the technique advocated in the third chapter of the Brahma Sutra, which are all fairly hard to conceive and are based entirely on the Upanishads, the first thing that a person should do is to expand the mind to a universal, comprehensive Inclusiveness. Then you bring any point to it; it will work.

Taddha tadvanam nama tadvanam iti upasitavyam (Kena Upanishad)


"That is Adorable; one should meditate on It as 'Adorable'." This is one Upanishadic meditation, in the Kena Upanishad. Brahman is the most adorable and we should conceive Brahman as the most adorable and you will become the most adorable in the world. Can we imagine such a thing? There is nothing which Brahman cannot do. It does not take time also to do a thing. All gods may take time to act – they have to come from Vaikuntha, Kailasa, Brahma-Loka and all that, but Brahman does not take time to act. It is instantaneous action. When you meditate on Brahman as the most adorable, you must remember you should not think Brahman as being somewhere, far away. This is the difference between Vedantic meditation and other types of meditation. The All-pervadingness, Inclusiveness, Omnipresence is the central fact that has to be borne in mind when meditating on Brahman. Meditate on It as the most adorable.

'Most Adorable Being! I am contemplating on you.' Now who is contemplating? Rather, It is Itself contemplating on It. In a Vedantic meditation, somebody does not meditate on something else, because an omnipresent thing cannot be meditated upon by anybody else. When the consciousness inside is tuned up to the Universal Omnipresence as the most adorable, that meditator becomes the most adorable in the world. Namyante asmai kamah – the world will prostrate itself before you. If you want that the world should bow itself before you, do this meditation. The world will fall at your feet. But, beware, you are not the meditator; the Universal is meditating on Itself!


To be continued



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