An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra - 7.3.- Swami Krishnananda.


Chinmaya Mission

The inauguration of the Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth Institute of Science and Technology in Onakkoor was a grand affair, symbolizing the fusion of tradition and modern education. The procession was a striking display of unity and reverence, led by the esteemed Trustees of Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth, the Vice Chancellor, dedicated faculty members, staff, and enthusiastic students.

A highlight of the ceremony was the traditional paduka puja, a profound ritual paying homage to Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda. The procession leaders, Managing Trustee Dr. Apparao Mukkamala and Vice Chancellor Prof. Ajay Kapoor along with Manisha Khemlani the CEO of Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, took turns carrying the revered padukas from the main gate to the hostel courtyard. Br. Ved Chaitanya conducted the puja with solemnity, while the Managing Trustee and Vice Chancellor performed the archana, deepening the spiritual connection.

This event was a beautiful testament to the institution's commitment to its spiritual roots, as students, staff, and faculty members offered flowers to the sacred padukas. The distribution of prasad concluded this memorable soft launch, marking the beginning of an educational journey enriched by tradition and wisdom.


Monday, 11 Sep 2023. 05:30. 

Chapter - 7: Specimens of Vedantic Meditations-3.


Just as the gods felt that they won victory while somebody else had done the work, here a duping situation has arisen: 'All the glory of the whole world is here before you; Take it but don't ask me any unnecessary question!' Nachiketas asked a question to which Lord Yama does not want to give the answer. We may say, "What is there? We will reject all these offerings". Even the beauties and the glories of the world, nobody has seen. Has anyone seen the entire glory of creation?

The Taittiriya Upanishad gives the gradations of the joys in the universe. Consider a human being who is the king of the whole earth, very healthy, never falls sick, most learned, has every knowledge under his master, most beautiful, handsome youth, has control over the whole earth, is emperor of the whole world – what would be the joy of that king? This is one unit of joy we can conceive. There is no such king in the world – even conceiving such a thing is impossible. One hundred times the happiness of such a conceived emperor of the world is the happiness of the pitris (forefathers in the astral realm). One hundred times this happiness is the happiness of gandharvas, the musicians in heaven. One hundred times the happiness of gandharvas is the happiness of the gods in heaven. One hundred times the happiness of the gods is the happiness of Indra, the ruler of the gods. One hundred times the happiness of Indra is the happiness of Brhaspati, the Guru of the gods. One hundred times the happiness of Brhaspati is the happiness of Prajapati, the Creator of the Universe. Endless, endless is the Bliss of Brahman, not multiplied in this manner. It is not a mathematical total of the joys of the world that is Brahman's Bliss. It is super-computative, impossible to think.

'Do you want the happiness of the whole world? Of all the gods?' That you cannot reject. Nobody can say, 'I do not want these joys'. The joys of the world are so attractive that the thought of them, very sight of them will melt the heart of a person. Such glories and beauties and majesties are available in this world itself. Why talk of Gandharvas and all that? If you are offered the kingship of the whole earth – what will you feel at that time? Anyone of you – a chance comes for you to be the ruler of the earth, not of one country or two countries. The whole world is your property. You cannot exist at that time; you will melt away in the joy. Such a thing is rejected by Nachiketas, the seeker.

How much effort is necessary to conceive the universality of Brahman? 'As long as the universe lasts, so long you can live' – do you want this blessing? Nachiketas said "All right, I may live for as long a time, as long as the universe lasts, but when the universe ends, I will also end. What is the good of your blessing?" "You have given me all the joys of heaven and earth. But they wear away the sense organs. The enjoyments, whether of earth or heaven, are possible only if the sense organs are active. If they are worn and are drooping down, what then? A corpse cannot experience the joys of the earth and heaven." This is one meditation available from the Kathopanishad.


To be continued



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